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Which Course is Right for Me?

A Singletrack School branded van

Here are 12 common questions we are often asked by those who are unsure which course is right for them

1. I'm new and just want to learn the basics so I can ride off-road safely

If you're a total beginner and want to learn the ropes, we'll get you riding off-road safely and with confidence on our level 1 Singletrack Foundations half day course or Discover Mountain Biking day course course.

2. I'm a rookie and have been riding regularly off-road a short time (less than a year)

Our level 2 Singletrack Fundamentals course will get you moving in the right direction with advice on correct body position and movement, negotiating trail obstacles, cornering and trail flow. If you'd like to progress through the basics and get on to some harder terrain more quickly, try our Fast-Track Singletrack Skills two day course.

3. I'm an experienced, regular rider but get tense when the trail starts getting steep and technical

To become an ace rider when the ground gets vertical(ish) start with our level 3 Singletrack Improver (part 1) course to sharpen up your core skills and then follow up with a level 4 Singletrack Advanced courses course. We'll get you flying down the steep stuff with style, skill and confidence.

4. I'd like to learn how to manual

It's the single most important skill you can have as a mountain biker. We teach how to manual and much, much more on our level 3 Singletrack Improver (part 1) day course and Mountain Bike Improver two-day course.

5. Oops! I don't know what a 'manual' is

No worries. A manual, or Manual Front Wheel lift to give it its full name, is the technique for making the front wheel weightless, or airborne, using a dynamic weight shift towards the rear of the bike while coasting.

It's used get the bike safely and efficiently over trail obstacles like roots, rocks and wheel-shaped-holes, but also to levitate down step features and avoid 'hanging up' on drop-ins.

If you didn't know this you're probably a shoe-in for our level 2 Singletrack Fundamentals course to learn the basics first. If you did know, but still can't manual, perhaps try our level 3 Singletrack Improver (part 1) course or do both on our Fast-Track Singletrack Skills two day course.

6. I've never had any coaching before but am confident to riding most trails with caution

Start with our level 3 Singletrack Improver (part 1) course and learn the right technique in all the key areas of off-road riding; body position and movement, cornering, tackling obstacles and trail flow. After that consider our other level 3 course Singletrack Improver (part 2) or do both on our Mountain Bike Improver two-day course.

7. I'd like to feel more confident when my wheels start leaving the ground

If you've not had any coaching before start with our level 3 Singletrack Improver (part 1) course so you can learn how to manual properly. Once you have mastered manualling we can take this and apply it to drop offs on our level four Singletrack Advanced series of courses.

8. I'm always crashing... ouch!

We need to stop this right away. This is probably due to a few bad habits you've picked up or possibly some weaknesses in your fundamentals. We can address these and fix them in our level 2 Singletrack Fundamentals course and help you stop crashing. If someone tells you, "You're not learning if you're not crashing", thump them.

9. I'd like to get faster without expending more energy

You definitely need to learn the dark arts of energy management and trail flow. Our level 4 Mastering Speed & Flow will teach you how to pump the trail for free speed and to conserve your momentum to cut down on the pedalling, but start with our level 3 Singletrack Improver (part 1) course first if you can't already manual properly.

10. I'm off on an alpine style riding holiday and feel my skills aren't up to scratch

Lucky you! We have several options to help you sharpen up. Our level four Singletrack Advanced series of courses feature many of the skills you'll need to command technical steep terrain in Europe and beyond, but you'll need to be able to manual first (see questions 4 & 5 above).

11. I just want learn how to jump

That's great but, if you have never had any formal coaching before, a jumps course is not the best place to start. Start with our level 3 Singletrack Improver (part 1) course to identify what you are doing wrong and, just as importantly, what you are doing right. You'll also learn loads in the category, "things you don't know you don't know." Once skilled up and bad habits fixed, follow up with a ton of practice and then book our level four Singletrack Advanced series of courses and later our level 5 Mastering Jumping course for bigger jumps.

12. I'm still not sure what to book

No problem. Just give us a call on 01483 380381 and we'll be happy to answer any questions.



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About Singletrack School

Singletrack School provide mountain bike skills coaching, mountain bike technique courses, mountain bike skills weekends, women's mountain bike skills courses, private mountain bike skills tuition, off-road skills instruction for kids and families, guided singletrack rides and cross country bike adventures in The Surrey Hills and beyond.

We also organise and deliver team building and corporate entertainment events for corporate customers, and experience days and social events for schools, clubs, youth groups, stag parties and hen parties.

Singletrack School Sponsors - Cycleworks, Satmap, Endura, Five Ten, Orange, Grangers, Muc-Off, Specialized, Exposure Lights, Buffera and SIngletrack Magazine

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